Aloha Gene

Aloha Gene
Click on image to view a video tribute to Gene, created by his family.

UTAH Stories Article-Hawaiian Canoe Club: Aloha from the Great Salt Lake

UTAH Stories Article-Hawaiian Canoe Club: Aloha from the Great Salt Lake
click on image to view entire UTAH STORIES article

Salt Lake Magazine Article-August 2014

Salt Lake Magazine Article-August 2014
Hui Paoakalani was featured in an article about the GSL in Salt Lake Magazine-August 2014 issue.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

She's Home!

The new Wa'a arrived safely in Utah late Saturday Evening. Mahalo to the many hands (You know who you are) who came out late Saturday night to help us unload. Enjoy the pictures of the journey to Utah!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

She's a BEAUTY!

Well Hui... Uncle Darren attempted to bring back our new Wa'a(it took him 17 hours to get to Portland). But due to weather delays, closed roads and passes, and snow, snow, snow...A decision was made to postpone bringing the home the new wa'a until the road conditions are safer. As soon as the weather clears and schedules allow...Uncle Darren will make another trip to Portland to bring our new wa'a home. In the mean time, please enjoy the pictures of the new wa'a. I Ku Mau Mau!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Help Needed Tuesday December 9th

We will need help hoisting up the wa'a for storage on Tuesday, December 9th at 6pm. If you can make it we'd appreciate it. It shouldn't take too much time. Mahalo!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week of November 30 - December 6, 2008

We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Due to conflicts, we will not be participating in the Bountiful City Light Parade on December 5th. We hope to see all of you at the Lashing Clinic this Wednesday December 3rd at 6:30 pm. I Ku Mau Mau!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your 'Ohana and friends. The Hui will be having a Wa'a lashing clinic next Wednesday (12/3) from 6:30 - 7:30 pm at the Center. . This is an essential skill to learn and master. See you Wednesday! A Hui Hou!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Cheap Seats going for the BIG GAME!! Move over Hannah Montana. Step aside, David Archuleta. An even hotter act is coming to the Hawaiian Cultural Center this Saturday at 3:30 pm!! Even Bigger than KAHUKU FOOTBALL!! Come join your Hui Paoakalani 'Ohana at the Cultural Center and watch the BIG game on the BIG screen! Bring a potluck dish to share...shave ice will be crankin'....FREE for UTAH fans...and $5.00 for BYU fans (Eh, we gotta fix the hui shack some how)... just kidding. Seriously...join us Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and wear your colors!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week of November 16-22, 2008

Paddle Repair Clinic Tomorrow Night (11/19/2008)
Kumu Butch Porter will be teaching a "hands-on" paddle repair clinic tomorrow evening from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Hawaiian Cultural Center. Paddles will be available to work on and some need TLC. This is a great opportunity to learn and spend time with your 'ohana and hui.
Also,a BIG MAHALO to all the men who helped with transporting and preparing the Duke wa'a for winter. We sure do appreciate all your help!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Week of November 9-15, 2008

Aloha Hui Members!

Once again, Mahalo to all the Uncles who helped "hoist" up Kai Lana Kaleo for safekeeping in the Center throughout the winter months. We will be transporting the Duke wa'a from the GSL marina to the Center this coming Saturday, November 15th. We will meet at the "Hui Shack" at 9:30 a.m. Please e-mail Darren ( if you can help.

Please mark your calendars with the following: PADDLE REPAIR WORKSHOP -November 19, 2008 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Center. Kumu Butch will be teaching a "hands-on" workshop on repairing wa'a paddles. This workshop is a must for the novice paddler as the HUI is anticipating an EXCITING 2009 Wa'a Paddling Season!

BOUNTIFUL CHRISTMAS LIGHT PARADE-December 5, 2008. It will be in the evening. Dress warm and get your Santa hats and Jingle bells ready! It will be lots of fun! More details to be provided soon. We are still looking for a portable generator, and our own Kanakaloka (Hawaiian Santa Claus)...any volunteers????

GENERAL HUI MEETING/WORKSHOP: 1st Wednesday of each month beginning December 2008. Exact time will be determined soon.

Again, Mahalo for supporting Utah's 1st Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Club-Hui Paoakalani!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Help Needed Friday November 7th

We will be moving Kai Lana Kaleo out of the Center this Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. If you can help....we'd appreciate it! Mahalo!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week of November 2 - 8, 2008

Aloha Hui!
Sounds like everyone who went on the Wendover trip had a great time and all hui members returned back safely. Just a few items to put on your calendars...The Hui will be participating in the Bountiful Christmas Light Parade to be held Friday, December 5th. It will be a fun event! We are looking for a portable generator so we can decorate the Wa'a in Christmas lights. (contact Darren at if you can help) We invite ALL Hui members to participate. The parade route is about 1 1/2 miles long, dress warm, wear your Santa hat, bring your jingle bells, and the Hui will provide the glow sticks so you can be "lit-up" too! Also, we need one of you Uncles to dress as Santa's helper a.k.a.-"Santa", the will need to be the Hawaiian wear your surf shorts over your under armor leggings so you will be warm! :-) No worry...we will have hot cocoa at the end of the parade.
Next, there will be a Hui Board meeting for All Hui Board members this Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m.
The General Hui Member meeting will be November 19th at 6:30 p.m., this meeting is for ALL Hui Members, and those interested in joining the Hui.
Some of you may have noticed, Kai Lana Kaleo is being repaired in the Center. Thanks to Uncle Butch, Uncle Larry and their crew for helping with these repairs.
The "Hui Shack" is also coming along great. The ceiling is almost finished being repaired...thanks to Uncle Gene and Uncle Darren. The next phase will include some deep cleaning, we will keep you posted through the blog.
Ryan Pogue has let us know that the new Wa'a should be ready by the end of this month. We will keep you posted as we find out the exact dates.
Thanks again to each one of you for your support. Please plan on supporting the Hui and participating in the parade on December 5th. I Ku Mau Mau!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week of October 26-November 1, 2008

As we come to the end of our First Hui Paoakalani Paddling Season, we would like to extend a HUGE Mahalo Nui Loa to EVERYONE for helping to make it so successful! Many hands and hearts went into making our Hui a reality, and helped bring a little bit of our Hawai’i to Utah. Many of our Hui members “multi-task” as they serve as Hula and Quilting Teachers, Board Members, Event planners, Musicians, Cooks and Dishwashers in the kitchen, and the Set-up/Clean-up Crew at Kanikapila and many other Hawaiian Cultural Center functions. This past weekend was evidence of that, as many of our Hui members not only helped and participated in Kanikapila...they also showed up early the next morning to help launch our Wa’a. Mahalo to the following Senior Men: Uncle Ben, Uncle Butch, Uncle Darren, Uncle Gene, Uncle Jeff, Uncle Larry, Uncle Lama, Uncle Neal, and Tyler as they regularly give of their time early Saturday mornings to help us rig up the Wa’a. After we have all had fun, they help us take the Wa’a apart and properly store them for the next weekend. Mahalo to Uncle Ben for always being willing to transport our Wa’a and our supplies to and from the Hawaiian Cultural Center, Mahalo to Auntie Becky and Auntie Pat who never fail to bring something ‘ono, that helps remind us of “home”. Last, Mahalo to Uncle Butch for taking on the role of “Coach” and teaching us how to properly use and respect our Wa’a. He also taught some of us how to “steer”. It is amazing to see a young 13 year old, go from having no experince paddling, to steering the Wa’a all by herself! What a wonderful gift our Hawaiian community has been blessed with, and to think that it all started with a bunch of our Uncles “talking story” one night...and saying “Eh, Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could paddle a canoe on the Great Salt Lake...”
Some up-coming events to look forward to are: The Wendover Trip this Saturday. Tickets are still available. Contact Auntie Pat Leong or e-mail us at and we will put you in contact with Auntie Pat. Tickets are $25.00 each and include transportation and good food, fun, and company. You also get $5.00 gaming money. We have moved Kai Lana Kaleo to the center as she is in need of some repair. We will keep you posted as to when this will take place, as we will need some help.
Hui General Member meeting will take place the 3rd Wednesday of each month 6:30 p.m. at the Hawaiian Cultural Center. Check back next week for more information...A Hui Hou!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This Weekend-October 24-25, 2008

Aloha Hui!
We will be paddling this Saturday, 8 am - 1 pm. Hopefully, the weather will be nice. As always, bring a pot-luck dish to share.
Don't forget the "Halloween" Kanikapila this Friday night (24th) at 6:30 pm. The Hui will be sponsoring a "Toss the Ring around the Canoe Paddle" game for the keiki's. The Hui will also be selling shave ice as a Hui fundraiser. We are in need of volunteers to help man both booths. We will schedule 1/2 hour shifts, starting from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm. We will need at least (2) Hui members in the game booth and (3) Hui members in the shave ice booth. Please e-mail Darren at with your availability and any booth or time preferences.
Lastly, The Hula and Hui groups have joined together for a Wendover Bus Trip Fundraiser. It is Saturday, November 1, 2008. Meet at the Meadowbrook Traxx Station 3900 S. 188 W. The Bus leaves at 8:30 am. Be there by 8:00 am. For tickets or more information please contact Pat Leong or e-mail Tickets are a $25.00 donation. See you this weekend!

Friday, October 17, 2008

No Paddling this Weekend

Due to lack of "manpower" and scheduling conflicts we will not be paddling today or tomorrow. We plan on paddling next week Saturday (weather permitting). Don't forget... Kanikapila is this coming Friday, October 24th, 6:30 pm at the Hawaiian Cultural Center.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week of October 12-18

General Hui Meeting to be held this Wednesday, October 15th. 6:30 -7:30 p.m. at the Hawaiian Cultural Center. Please e-mail Darren at before Tuesday, with any items you may want added to the agenda. Paddling this weekend will be determined later this week(weather permitting). Please check blog for updates. Mahalo!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wa'a Paddling Cancelled

Due to the incoming weather this Saturday, we will not be paddling. We will try again next weekend.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Week of October 5-11, 2008

Mahalo's to everyone who came out on Friday evening and Saturday to help with cleaning the "Hui Shack". We're glad that Kumu Butch returned back safely after his adventure with the Great Salt Lake Harbor Patrol. If you haven't heard the'll have to ask Butch about his "Wa'a Tales..." mo' bettah than Mike Sakamoto's "Fishing Tales..." anyday! Eh, Is that a stranded duck hunter out there??

We will be taking the Wa'a out (weather permitting...otherwise we'll be cleaning the shack) this coming Friday and Saturday. As always, we'll potluck...bring something to share. I Ku Mau Mau!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We will be taking the Wa'a out this Friday (Oct. 3rd) at 5 p.m. and Saturday (Oct.4) at 8 a.m.
If the weather is bad...we will still meet, but will begin cleaning out the "Hui Shack". We'll pot luck bring something to share. E-mail with any questions. See you this weekend!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week of September 28-October 4,2008

A BIG MAHALO to ALL Hui Paoakalani Members who assisted with the 1st Annual Utah Aloha Festival this past Saturday! The festival was a tremendous success! Both the Wa'a and Shave Ice booths were a BIG hit! Mahalo to Butch, Darren, Gene, Karl, Kevin, Marie, Lily, and Lisa for manning the Wa'a booth. Mahalo to Auntie Becky for making the yummy Boiled Peanuts...bus' da mouth! Mahalo to Nohea and Tutu for helping with the sales in our Shave Ice Booth. Mahalo to Kahaku and Rodel for crankin' out the ice, and Auntie Tammy for packin' the cups and cones. Mahalo to Al, Butch, Ben, Chris, Darren, Gene, Jeff, Kwan Ki, Lama, Larry, Matt, Neal, Paul, and Tyler for helping with washing, setting up and transporting the Wa'a. And Last a BIG Mahalo to Auntie Melinda and Kumu Kaleo for inspiring our Wa'a program. This is what the Hui is all about...everyone working together for a common cause. We are tentatively planning to take the Wa'a out this Friday evening and Saturday. Please check back midweek for an update. I Ku Mau Mau!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week of September 21-27, 2008

Hui Member Meeting this Wednesday, September 24th - 7:30 p.m. at the Center. We will be discussing the upcoming Aloha Festival and making assignments for our Wa'a booth.

We will not be taking the Wa'a out this weekend due to the Aloha Festival on Saturday, September 27th.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Week of September 7-13, 2008

We will be taking the Wa'a out this Saturday September 13th - 8 am to 1 pm. Bring a pot-luck dish to share. Membership applications will be available.
Please remember the Hanohano 'Ohana in your thoughts and prayers this week. They will be traveling back to O'ahu for Auntie Melinda Hanohano's funeral services.

If you have questions or comments please contact: