Aloha Gene

Aloha Gene
Click on image to view a video tribute to Gene, created by his family.

UTAH Stories Article-Hawaiian Canoe Club: Aloha from the Great Salt Lake

UTAH Stories Article-Hawaiian Canoe Club: Aloha from the Great Salt Lake
click on image to view entire UTAH STORIES article

Salt Lake Magazine Article-August 2014

Salt Lake Magazine Article-August 2014
Hui Paoakalani was featured in an article about the GSL in Salt Lake Magazine-August 2014 issue.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hui Paoakalani Goes Sailing! and No Paddling over the Holiday Weekend

We had an AWESOME day at the lake this past Saturday. The guys put together a mast and used a windsurfer sail to get our wa'a sailing on the Great Salt Lake! It was quite a sight!!!
Watch out...they may be sailing to Antelope Island or beyond soon... oh...that is as they kick back and enjoy the sights while eating their Hui Shave Ice! :)
Just a Reminder...
No Paddling over the Holiday Weekend.
Enjoy the fireworks and we'll see you on the lake July 10th.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Hui Paoakalani would like to thank each and everyone of you who came out to support the 2nd Annual Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Great Salt Lake Waterfest. There were many smiles and a wonderful time was enjoyed by all who came out to the lake.
Hui Members, family and friends willingly gave many, many hours of man-power to help set-up, clean-up, prepare/sell poke and shave ice, rig canoes, and help our keiki and members of the public experience Hawaiian outrigger canoe paddling on the Great Salt Lake.
Mahalo again to the following Hui Members who always willingly give of their time to help the Hui experience continued success: Ben, Kwan Ki, Shauna, Kumu Butch, Becki, Lama, Angie, Larry, Pat, Tyler, Gene, Mike, Uncle Al, Auntie Marcia, Darren, Tammy, and those family members and friends of our Hui Board Members who also helped out on Saturday.
Mahalo nui loa! We sure do appreciate you!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Water Fest this Saturday!

Hui Paoakalani Outrigger Canoe Club and the Hawaiian Cultural Center invite you to join us at the Great Salt Lake this Saturday June 19, 2010 from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Bring your family and friends!
Come paddle an Outrigger Canoe and learn more about the special relationship the Hawaiian people have with the ocean through participating in water sports activities.
Activities are FREE! There will be FREE snacks for your Keiki! While at the lake, be sure to stop inside the Hui Shack to pick up a Hui Paoakalani Shave Ice or Poke Rice Bowl. Hui t-shirts also will be available on Saturday.
See you at the lake!
*$2.00 per vehicle marina entry fee required.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Mahalo to everyone who came out to help and purchase Laualau's from the Hui this past weekend.

The Hui expresses our gratitude to the following: Au 'Ohana, Leong 'Ohana, Mata'ia 'Ohana, Medeiros 'Ohana, Porter 'Ohana, and Stroud 'Ohana for giving of their time and and helping with the prep. work and pick-up.

The Hui would also like to thank Ben, Butch, Becki, Darren, Kwan Ki, Mike, Tommy, and Tammy for helping out with an paddle fundraiser later that afternoon and evening.

Again, we appreciate the support of our core Hui Members and their families. We also appreciate those of you who supported the Hui by purchasing Laulau's, Poke, Poke bowls, and t-shirts! Your support will help the Hui offset costs for our Hui Shack repairs and the upcoming Duke Fest (on June 19th) as well as Keiki Camp (July 2010).

FYI...The Hui will be out at the lake this Saturday...Rain or Shine starting at 10 am. Bring a Potluck dish to share. *New Paddlers - Remember there is a $2.00 Marina entry fee and be sure to bring a signed Hui Waiver form with you.

Here are some additional FREE Events for your whole family:

Friday June 11, 6:30pm KANIKAPILA @ Hawaiian Cultural Center
(741 W Smelter St Midvale)

Saturday June 19, 10a Duke Water Fest @ Great Salt Lake Marina
(*$2 marina entrance fee)