I know it is last minute notice, but could you please let Hui Paoakalani and friends know that we are showing our documentary about the Great Salt Lake tomorrow night at HawkWatch International.
Thank you for all your help with our documentary.
I posted the details below.
Shirley Erickson Gorospe, Director
Evaporating Shorelines
Backlight Pictures, LLC
801-280-9084 phone
Great Salt Lake Audubon and HawkWatch International are showing a work-in-progress screening of Evaporating Shorelines, a documentary about the Great Salt Lake. We would like you to join us to provide input on this documentary. Admission is free. Come early and stay late. Networking and Q&A before and after the screening. Please tell anyone else you think might be interested.
The screening will take place at Hawkwatch International. Thursday, March 1st at 7:00 pm. Please RSVP at http://www.
Here is a link to the trailer:
Great Salt Lake Minerals Corporation received a permit from the Utah Department of Natural Resources to expand their industrial operations. 91,000 acres of shorelines, wetlands, and water on the Great Salt Lake are in jeopardy.
Fifteen non-profit organizations have joined together to form Keep The Lake Great to protect these 91,000 acres. This coalition is appealing to the Army Corps of Engineers to stop this project. This documentary, Evaporating Shorelines, includes commentary from government officials, scientists, attorneys, and residents of Utah, about the value of the lake from the scientific viewpoint to the aesthetics of the lake to recreational usage. The film includes footage of the amazing birds, plants, and animals that are crucial to this ecosystem.
Please write your letters for public comment to:
Jason Gipson
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Utah Regulatory Office
533 West 2600 South, Ste. 150
Bountiful, Utah 84010
(801) 295-8380 x 14
Email: jason.a.gipson@usace.army.mil