Aloha Gene

Aloha Gene
Click on image to view a video tribute to Gene, created by his family.

UTAH Stories Article-Hawaiian Canoe Club: Aloha from the Great Salt Lake

UTAH Stories Article-Hawaiian Canoe Club: Aloha from the Great Salt Lake
click on image to view entire UTAH STORIES article

Salt Lake Magazine Article-August 2014

Salt Lake Magazine Article-August 2014
Hui Paoakalani was featured in an article about the GSL in Salt Lake Magazine-August 2014 issue.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Paddle Tuesday April 21, 2009

Aloha Everyone!
We had a great turn out at our "pau hana" paddle on Monday! We welcome all the NEW paddlers who have been joining is so great to see Hui Paoakalani growing. Our Hui Coaches are working on a summer schedule and we will post it once it is finalized. For right now...continue to check the blog and your e-mail to find out if we are paddling. Since the weather will be nice on Tuesday, the Hui plans another paddle after work at 5 pm.
**We also wanted to bring to your attention a few "HOUSE -KEEPING" items:
1) Please pay the $2.00 entry fee as you come in. Hui members have established a GREAT relationship with Great Salt Lake Rangers Dave, Eric, and Bob and we want to keep our relationship GOOD. The Rangers have informed us that they are "cracking down" on payment of the entry fees, so please pay if you don't have the BLUE GSL sticker. All Hui Members who are CURRENT on Hui dues are entitled to a parking pass and are exempt from paying the $2.00 entry fee. If you still have the RED GSL sticker from last year and are CURRENT on your dues, see Tammy or Darren for a BLUE sticker, otherwise you should be paying the $2.00 fee)
2) If you are planning on paddling in the Water Fest on May 2nd and have NOT already filled out your registration form and paid the $10.00 fee... Please do so BY April 25,2009. Boy Chun Fook would like to start organizing the teams for the races. Checks should be made out to: KLMF - Ka Lama Mohala Foundation. (All Hui Members who are CURRENT on their dues, or those who have recently paid $10.00 for the 30 day trial membership are EXEMPT from paying the Water Fest entry fee.) Remember, this $10.00 fee includes your USACK insurance for 30 days, and will be credited towards your first months payment when you decide to become a member.
3) We will be placing a JAR in the "SHACK" to COLLECT DONATIONS that will be used to defray the cost of paper products, trash bags and help pay for some food items. Since we usually "pot luck" after our paddles, feel free to bring something to share. OR if you don't feel like can always make a donation to the jar. Give what you can, any amount will be appreciated.
4) We are still looking for Donations for our Raffle at the Water Fest. Any type of Donation would be certificates, gift baskets, t-shirts, any type of merchandise. Contact Darren at if you have questions about donating to the Raffle.
5) Pictures from the Saturday paddle have been uploaded. Click on the Hui Pictures link to view.
AGAIN, MAHALO for ALL YOUR SUPPORT!! It looks like 2009 will bring us a GREAT PADDLING SEASON!! Keep spreading the word on the Water Fest. Again the date is May 2, 2009 at the GSL Marina.
A Hui Hou!

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