The Hui will be doing a "Pau Hana" Friday paddle again after work on Friday at the GSL Marina (5 pm til dusk). Please bring a favorite treat to share with everyone. On Saturday, the Hui will be on the lake "all-day" long beginning at 8:30 am for those wishing to paddle to Antelope Island - a 16 mile distance paddle. We will have 2 wa'a available, if needed? Please bring appropriate sunscreen and water, etc. For the general public, you may show up beginning at 10:00 am. Please bring your favorite "side dish" to share with everyone for a "Pot Luck" lunch. As a reminder, a $2 Marina fee is required. Hui membership forms can be down loaded from the blog ( Also, the Hui does have a limited amount of Duke Water Fest t-shirts still available - $15 ea.
Also, congratulations to the Kumu Butch and his brave crew for steering & navigating the Duke Paoa Kahanamoku wa'a to its first ever Antelope Island crossing this past Saturday. The entire paddle covered nearly 16.2 miles was accomplished in a little under 3 hours! GEEV'UM BRAHDAH!!
The Hui will be doing a "Pau Hana" Friday paddle again after work on Friday at the GSL Marina (5 pm til dusk). Please bring a favorite treat to share with everyone. On Saturday, the Hui will be on the lake "all-day" long beginning at 8:30 am for those wishing to paddle to Antelope Island - a 16 mile distance paddle. We will have 2 wa'a available, if needed? Please bring appropriate sunscreen and water, etc. For the general public, you may show up beginning at 10:00 am. Please bring your favorite "side dish" to share with everyone for a "Pot Luck" lunch. As a reminder, a $2 Marina fee is required. Hui membership forms can be down loaded from the blog ( Also, the Hui does have a limited amount of Duke Water Fest t-shirts still available - $15 ea.
Also, congratulations to the Kumu Butch and his brave crew for steering & navigating the Duke Paoa Kahanamoku wa'a to its first ever Antelope Island crossing this past Saturday. The entire paddle covered nearly 16.2 miles was accomplished in a little under 3 hours! GEEV'UM BRAHDAH!!
A Hui Hou!!
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